Florida Backyard Creation Care are a grassroots team of Christians, biologists, and concerned citizens dedicated to the defense of Florida’s vulnerable Creation. And we would like to ask for your help in preserving it: yard by yard. The following four simple things will make a big difference. Turn a piece of your yard into a little Garden of Eden! Our advice is founded on a combination of the belief that we should respect the Creation rather than destroy it, and on solid scientific research.

God’s Green Earth

The wisdom that richness of animals and plants is good is shared between the Bible and modern research.

And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, land crawlers, and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. Genesis 1:25

This painting shows the tapestry of life before people. What will happen when they arrive? Paradise by Jan Brueghel the Elder – The Yorck Project by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Public Domain.

The science of relationships between living things – ecology – agrees. The more that plants and animals support one another, the more robust and beautiful the tapestry or life is. All this can live in your yard.

The Backyard Web of Life: plants supporting pollinators and other insects, and animals that depend on one another.

Scientific knowledge does not diminish awe. It adds to it.

Brother Guy J. Consolmagno, SJ; director of the Vatican Observatory

Not always greener

The moral ecology of a responsible Christian is very much the same as the ecological morality of a compassionate scientist. But despite the teaching of the Bible and ecology, we are told that THIS LAWN is what we should strive for. We have been told that artificial turf, devoid of life, is aesthetically pleasing.

Pesticide application sign on a residential lawn. Purchased from Shutterstock.com

Four steps towards YOUR piece of Eden

Our billboard campaign

We want to communicate the Backyard Creation Care message to fellow Floridians via billboards along North Florida’s country highways!  Please check out our billboard campaign for the preservation of our Creation, and for the beautification of the North Florida’s billboard scene.